“We have created a luxury casino under the famous Mayfair brand of Crockfords, which will bring a unique gaming experience for our customers.”īusiness travellers and wealthy tourists alike are expected to visit the casino, which will be open 24 hours a day offering a full range of gaming facilities, an extensive bar and sumptuous food service. Genting President and COO Paul Willcock said: “This is a tremendously exciting development for Genting as we expand our reach into Europe and the Middle East. It will be operated by Genting Casinos Egypt Limited, a subsidiary of Genting UK, the owner of Crockfords.
The sophisticated development is the first venture for Genting in the Middle East. Genting, one of the UK’s leading casino operators, has opened a magnificent new gaming venue in Egypt.Ĭrockfords Cairo is a luxury destination that takes its name and inspiration from Crockfords, the exclusive Mayfair casino situated in the heart of London.